Governors’ Details & Register of Interests

The Governing Body and the school have a responsibility to avoid any conflict between their business and personal interests and the affairs and interests of the school.

  • Any Governor having direct or indirect involvement in a business which is tendering for a contract must declare his or her interest on the Register of Business Interests.
  • All Governors must complete the appropriate questionnaire to ensure that the Register of Business Interests is kept up to date.  The Register is reviewed annually.  Nil returns are also required.
  • All Governors must be given the opportunity to verbally declare previously undeclared interests, and any previously declared interests that may be relevant to the agenda, at every committee and Governing Body meeting.

Please click below to view the Board of Governors Details & Register of Interests 2023-24

Galleywood Infant School Gov Register 2023-2024 - updated Feb 24

Galleywood Infant School
Barnard Road

Headteacher - Mrs Sarah Manning
SENCO - Mrs Kelly Fennell
Chair of Governors - Mr Richard  Holmes